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6001 Biographical Summary (
William Mullins was born about 1572, apparently to John and Joan (Bridger) Mullins of Dorking, Surrey, England. He married a woman named Alice, but her maiden name has not been identified. Longstanding claims that her maiden name is Atwood, or Poretiers, are without basis.
William brought his wife Alice and children Priscilla and Joseph on the Mayflower; he also brought over 250 shoes and 13 pairs of boots, his profession being a shoe and boot dealer. He died on 21 February 1620/1. His original will has survived, written down by John Carver the day of Mullins' death. In it he mentions his wife Alice, children Priscilla and Joseph, and his children back in Dorking, William Mullins and Sarah Blunden. He also mentions a Goodman Woods, and a Master Williamson, who have not been identified. It was witnessed by the Mayflower's captain Christopher Jones, the Mayflower's surgeon Giles Heale, and Plymouth's governor John Carver. 
MULLINS, William (I17734)
6002 Biographical Summary from
Priscilla Mullins was born probably in Dorking, Surrey, England, to William and Alice Mullins. She, her parents, and her brother Joseph all came on the Mayflower to Plymouth in 1620. Her entire family, herself excepted, died the first winter. She was shortly thereafter, in 1622 or 1623, married to John Alden, the Mayflower's cooper, who had decided to remain at Plymouth rather than return to England with the ship. John and Priscilla lived in Plymouth until the late 1630s, when they helped found the neighboring town of Duxbury.
John and Priscilla would go on to have ten or eleven children, and have an enormous number of descendants, including poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams, and Vice President Dan Quayle. 
MULLINS, Priscilla (I17733)
6003 FEWTRELL, Richard A. Richard Alexander Fewtrell, 66, of Lyme, CT collapsed at his home on April 21, 2010. He was in weak condition after a recent lung surgery. Richard was born as Richard Alexander Booth on August 14, 1943 in Cambridge, England. He was adopted at 6 months by Alfred George and Kay Fewtrell. He spent his childhood in Rochester, Kent and the Isle of Wight. He is predeceased by one older brother, Robert. He was married to Mary Ann Creamer in New York City in 1979. Richard attended the London School of Music and the Royal Military School of Music at Knell Hall. He was a member of the Colchester Orchestra and the Milford Chamber Ensemble. Richard was also an expert in British folk music. Richard's two greatest passions were music and the sea. He was an expert in tall ships as well as wooden boat restoration. He served for three years as first mate aboard the Golden Cachelot in the Galapogos Islands. He managed the restoration of the tall ship Wavertree at the South Street Seaport in New York. He also surveyed the tall ship Elissa before its purchase by the Galveston Historical Society in 1977. He moved to Connecticut in 1984 and has run his own boat restoration business ever since. Richard excelled at physically demanding skills despite suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis for most of his adult life. This disease rendered his spine rigid and compromised his lungs in his later years. According to his wishes, Richard's ashes will be scattered at sea. A secular memorial service will be held on Sunday May 16. Donations may be made to the Spondylitis Association of America. FEWTRELL, Richard Alexander (I365)
6004 Hutchins, Frances,Calvert Co.,22nd Feb., 1726;
9th March, 1731-2.
To mother Elizabeth Hutchins, extx., personal estate during life; at her decease to pass with testator's share of father's personal estate to kinsman Francis, son of Francis Hutchins, and hrs.; he dying without issue, same to pass to bro. Francis Hutchins and hrs.
To kinsman Francis Hutchins afsd. and hrs., pt. of “Stoakly,” left testator by father ——; he dying without issue, to pass to bro. Francis Hutchins and hrs.
To niece Ann Brooke and nephews Francis Birckhead and Francis Hance, personalty.
Test: Nehemiah Birckhead, Sarah Birckhead, Ann Skinner. 20, 362.

Note: I am unclear as to the difference between "kinsman" Francis Hutchins, son of Francis and brother Francis Hutchins. 
HUTCHINS, Frances (I21743)
6005 Hutchins, Francis,Calvert Co.,5th Jan., 1737;
6th May, 1738.
To sons Francis and Richard and their hrs., dwelling plantation “Stoakly” with that pt. of “Gunton” bou. of Wm. Warring. Sd. tracts to be divided by line drawn from the creek until it intersects the line of Benj. Hance's land which he had by his wife Mary. Son Francis to have pt. where dwelling house stands. Tract “Mother's Care,” Balto. Co., to be sold by wife Elizabeth and bro.-in-law Benjamin Hance for benefit of estate. Shd. this be not enough watermill also to be sold, otherwise sd. mill to wife during life and at her decease to son Francis and hrs.
To sons Francis and Richard and dau. Elizabeth, personalty. Son Francis to have certain personalty in part of his portion left him by his aunt Frances Hutchins. Residue to be divided among children.
Wife Elizabeth, extx., in case she shd. die bros. Benj. Hance and Littleton Waters to be guardians for children. Testator directs that he be buried at the Clifts Meeting House.
Test: John Yoe, Philip Young, Thomas Stone. 21. 880. 
HUTCHINS, Francis (I21763)
6006 Note from Prentice researchers:

The Nelsons come from Sweden via IA. Samuel Nelson was the immigrant and is a black sheep, having been kicked out of his home in San Francisco near the time of the earthquake. He's a dead end as all we know about his origin is what is in the 1900 census. He was president of the San Francisco Casket Co. which he founded and then left about the time he was kicked out of his home.
NELSON, Samuel (I26542)
6007 Bedford Free Press
December 22, 1921 p. 3

Thos. Cole Passes Away
Thomas Cole passed away at his home here Monday evening about six o'clock after a brief illness. While not in the best of health for some time before his death, he was able to be about most of the time.

The funeral service will likely not be held until late in the week as a son, John Cole of Loma, Montana, is coming and the body will be held until he arrives.

Gravity Independent

Thomas Cole has lived in this section of Taylor County more than a half century. He is survived by his companion and a large family of children, all with homes of their own. Before moving to Gravity he lived on a farm northwest of town. He was 78 years, 11 months and 20 days old at the time of his death. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. 
COLE, Thomas (I431)
6008 Genealogical and Family History of the State of Connecticut: A Record of the Achievements of Her People in the Making of a Commonwealth and the Founding of a Nation
Captain Samuel , son of Captain Paul Sears , was born at Yarmouth in January, 1663-64 , died January 8, 1741-42 . He was one of the earliest inhabitants of Harwich . His first house there was just over the line that separates the part of Harwich , which is now West Brewster , from East Dennis . It stood until after 1800 , and was occupied by his sons. His will was dated April 7, 1740 . He was constable in 1702 , lieutenant 1706 , and later captain. He married Mercy Mayo , born 1664 , died January 20, 1748-49 , daughter of Deacon Samuel and Tamzin (Lumpkin) Mayo , and granddaughter of Rev. John Mayo ; children: Hannah , born July 1, 1685 ; Samuel , September 15, 1687 ; Nathaniel , September 23, 1689 ; Tamsen , November 13, 1691 , died July 17, 1761 ; Jonathan , September 3, 1693 ; Captain Joseph , July 15, 1695 ; Joshua , May 3, 1697 ; Judah , October 29, 1699 , mentioned below; John , July 18, 1701 ; Seth , May 27, 1703 ; Benjamin , June 16, 1706 . 
SEARS, Samuel (I17655)
6009 Genealogical and Family History of the State of Connecticut: A Record of the Achievements of Her People in the Making of a Commonwealth and the Founding of a Nation
II) Captain Paul , son of Richard Sears , was born probably at Marblehead, Massachusetts , in 1637-38 , after February 20 , and died at Yarmouth , February 20, 1707-08 . He took the oath of fidelity in 1657 . He was captain of the militia at Yarmouth , and was in the Narragansett war. He was one of the original proprietors of Harwich , which was laid out between Bound Brook and Stony Brook as Wing's Purchase. He married, at Yarmouth , in 1658 , Deborah Willard , baptized at Scituate , September 14, 1645 , died May 13, 1721 , daughter of George Willard . Her mother was probably Dorothy Dunster . Children: Mercy , born July 3, 1659 ; Bethia , January 3, 1661-62 , died July 5, 1684 ; Samuel , January, 1663-64 , mentioned below; Daughter, 1666 , perhaps Lydia , who married Eleazer Hamblin ; Paul , June 15, 1669 ; -, October 24, 1672 , probably Mary , who married Colonel John Knowles ; 716a 717 Ann , March 27, 1675 , died November 14, 1745 ; John , 1677-78 , died May 24, 1718 , Daniel , 1682-83 , died August 10, 1756 . 
SEARS, Paul (I17680)
6010 Genealogical and Family History of the State of Connecticut: A Record of the Achievements of Her People in the Making of a Commonwealth and the Founding of a Nation
The first edition of the Sears genealogy gave what purported to be the English ancestry of the family, but the second edition by Samuel P. May , in 1890 , shows that the ancestry was conjectural and erroneous. The parentage and ancestry of Richard Sears , American immigrant, have yet to be established. The surname spelled Sares , Seares , Sayer , Seers and Seir , in this country, and many other variations in England are to be found in the records. The surnames Sawyer and Sayer furnish almost identical variations in spelling and make the work of the genealogist very difficult. There is a belief in the family that the Sears family is of Norman origin. The eastern parishes of London and vicinity had many families of this name about 1600 . The name is common in the islands of Guernsey and Jersey , from which many emigrants came with the early settlers at Marblehead and vicinity. (I) Richard Sears , immigrant ancestor, was a taxpayer in Plymouth colony as early as 1632 . He removed to Marblehead , where he was a landowner in 1637 , but returned to the Plymouth colony about 1638 , and settled at Yarmouth . He took the freeman's oath June 7, 1653 . Commissioners were appointed to meet at his house, on Indian affairs, October 26, 1647 . He was one of the settlers and founders of Yarmouth . He was buried August 26, 1676 . His widow Dorothy was buried March 19, 1678-79 . Children: Silas , died at Yarmouth , January 13, 1697-98 ; Paul , born 1637-38 , mentioned below; Deborah , born at Yarmouth , September, 1639 , died August 17, 1732 . 
SEARS, Richard (I17699)
6011 Gravity Independent
Lydia L. Cole was born near Quebec, Canada, August 22, 1847, and died October 4, 1923 aged, 76 years, 1 month and 12 days.
When 18 years of age she came with relatives to Illinois and settled near Kewanee, where she was married to Thomas Cole, July 3, 1867.
They came to Iowa in 1871 and settled on a farm east of Gravity where they resided until they moved to town. Her husband departed this life, Dec. 12, 1921.
To this union twelve children were born. Three died in infancy. Those remaining are: Mrs. Ellen Laws of Aurora, Nebraska; Mrs. Arvilla Crawford of Gravity, Iowa; Mrs. Nettie Robinson, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Mrs. Anna Neff of Hollywood, California; Mrs. Ada Brillhart of Hollywood, California; Thomas Cole of Havelock, Nebraska; John Cole of Loma, Montana; Allen R. Cole of Gravity, Iowa; and Bert Cole of Los Angeles, California.
She was a member of the Christian church, a devoted mother and true friend.
Besides her children, she leaves many other relatives and friends to mourn her loss.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon in the locan Christian church, conducted by Rev. Burkhart, interment in the Gravity cemetery.

Note: Lydia's middle name was Nadomia.

Lydia was not born near Quebec, she was born in Ontario, Canada. 
KILBORN, Lydia Ledorna (I432)
6012 History and Directory of Yates County states that Sanford Coates was born in Stonington in 1799 and that he married Jerusha Miner. It further states that they moved to Jerusalem in 1817 with their 5 children. It seems unlikely that at the age of 18 Sanford and Jerusha had 5 children so I have discounted the listing of his birth year. COATES, Sanford (I3888)
6013 History of Reedsburg states that Frank arrived in Reedsburg, May 2, 1878 and that immediately upon his arrival was taken into his brother Augusta's jewelry and barber establishment and remained until 1882. At that time he purchased a similar establishment from A. W. Coughran (October 23, 1882). "Since that date Mr. Darrenougue has been in the jewelry business, in this place, and his is the oldest continuous business in the city today." DARRENOUGUE, Frank (I16286)
6014 History of Reedsburg states; In 1851, in company with his father's family (the mother having passed on previously) he came to America, locating in Reedsburg, where he afterward resided. He was a prosperous farmer outside the city, and died at the ripe old age of 87, _____, 1917. His wife, who he married in 1856, was born March 29, 1840, in County Galway, Ireland, daughter of John and Margaret Hooben. The father died there, and in 1847 the mother brought her family to America, locating in the Sligo settlement in Dellona, where she shortly afterward died. Bedelia grew up in Dellona, and resided there until her marriage. She died Dec. 29, 1890. HOBAN, Bridget Dorne (I3276)
6015 Reedsburg Free Press, Friday April 7th 1933
Buelow, George W., 72, who died last week in a Racine hospital was buried Monday morning in Waupun with services at St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Burial took place in Calvary Cemetery. Born December 13, 1859, in Reedsburg, where he lived for many years. Engaged in hardware business there for a time, later going to Columbus where he became a partner in the firm of Buelow and Schultz. In 1899 the partners opened a second store in Waupun and Mr. Buelow came there to take charge of it. A year later, he took over the Waupun store in his own name. He sold the store in October, 1930.
Three weeks before his death, he and his wife had gone to Racine where he entered St. Joseph's Hospital for treatment. His wife had stayed at the home of their son, Earl.
Married April 13th, 1890 to Mary Ann Dempsey. His wife and two children, Laura of Detroit and Earl of Racine survive. 
BUELOW, George W. (I3277)
6016 Reedsburg Free Press, Thursday July 1st, 1897
Buelow, Nellie - Last Friday afternoon, Miss Nellie Buelow, daughter of Edward Buelow, retired to her room to take a nap before supper. When tea was ready her father called to her, but receiving no response went to her bedside and was horrified to find her unconscious and apparently dead. A physician was hastily called but found that death had ensued, probably about the time that Mr. Buelow came into the room. The deceased was 26 years of age and widely known in and about Reedsburg where she had lived all her life. From infancy she had been in delicate health and advancing years did not seem to improve her condition. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon from the Catholic Church, Rev. Condon officiating. 
BUELOW, Nellie (I9847)
6017 Reedsburg Free Press, Thursday, December 21, 1893
Godfrey Klug died early yesterday morning, Dec. 19, 1893, at his home in Reedsburg of pneumonia. He was 67 years of age. Mr. Klug was one of the earliest settlers in Dellona and but recently moved from his farm in that town and took up his residence in this city. He had been sick about one week. He leaves a wife, four sons: Albert, Henry, Edward, and Charles; and two daughters: Mrs. L. V. Graham of Waukesha and Miss Minnie who lives with her parents. The funeral will be here next Monday afternoon at St. Peter's Lutheran Church. 
KLUG, Godfrey (I11271)
6018 Reedsburg Free Press, Thursday, September 13, 1894
Martin Buelow died September 6, 1894, at the home of H.J. Klug, in the town of Dellona, Sauk County, Wis., aged 86 years. Mr Buelow was a well-known and respected citizen in this community, having lived here for many years. His wife died several years ago. He was father of Ed Buelow and Mrs. Tina Klug of Reedsburg and has a son Charles and a daughter in Minnesota, The funeral was held last Saturday.
VON BULOW, Gottfried Martin (I3273)
6019 Reedsburg Free Press, Thursday, September 20th 1917
Buelow, William - The subject of this sketch was born in Reedsburg, August 10th, 1878, and passed away in Houston, Texas, September 5th, after a prolonged illness. Mr. Buelow was reared here, attending high school and finishing his education in the University of Northern Indiana. Returning here, he accepted a position with the Citizens Bank, later moving to Osseo, Wis., where he was united in marriage to Miss Bertha Jones, removing from there to Seattle. The last four years he engaged in the ready-to-wear business in Houston, Texas, being secretary and treasurer of the Everett-Buelow Co., at the time of his death.
The funeral services were held at the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Darrenougue, of this city, Rev. Bechtel officiating, interment in Greenwood Cemetery. Besides his wife, he leaves three brothers and two sisters to mourn his loss: George W. Buelow, Waupun; Mrs. Frank Darrenougue of this city; Thomas C. Buelow and Mrs. K. L. Everett, Houston, Texas; Frank H. Buelow, San Antonio, Texas. 
BUELOW, William Ernest (I3283)
6020 Reedsburg Free Press,May 10th, 1917
Buelow, Hattie L. - The remains of Hattie Buelow were brought here Tuesday afternoon for burial. Her brother, George Buelow of Waupun, and sister Mrs. Everett, of Houston, Texas came to attend the funeral yesterday. 
BUELOW, Hattie L. (I3280)
6021 Reedsburg Free Press,May 9th, 1912
Buelow, Edward, Jr. - Son of Mr E. F. Buelow of this city, died at the Reedsburg Sanitarium Monday of a complication of diseases. He was brought to the sanitarium several weeks ago, having disposed of his business in North Dakota. He was about 46 years old last December and was unmarried. The funeral will be held today at 10 o'clock in the Catholic Church. 
BUELOW, Edward F. (I3279)
6022 Reedsburg Times, Friday, Nov. 3, 1911:ITAL]
Mrs. Albertine Klug of this city died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ethan Reynolds of Delton. The funeral was yesterday from St. Peter's Lutheran Church in this city. She had been ill for several months with cancer, and a few weeks ago went to her daughter's home where she could be better cared for. She leaves a family of grown children, all of them married. 
BUELOW, Albertine (I11270)
6023 The Colorado Springs Gazette
Mary Lou Ahern died June 30, 1997, in Minneapolis. She was a Manitou Springs resident during the winter and a Minneapolis resident during the summer. Services will be in Minneapolis. Burial arrangements are being handled by Gill Brothers Funeral Home, 5801 Lyndale, Minneapolis 55419. Mrs. Ahern was born in Milan, Mo., to Roy and Vera (Jackson) Wright, who are deceased. She was married June 6, 1939, in Minneapolis to Dr. E.E. Ahern, who lives in Minneapolis. She survived by a son,[HID:]Roy of Minneapolis;[:HID]two daughters,[HID:]Roni of Minneapolis and Robin Bossard of Wheatland, Wyo.;[:HID]a sister, Betty J. Foster of Colorado Springs; and six grandchildren. She was a loving wife and mother. 
WRIGHT, Mary Louella (I17)
6024 SIKES, James (I6723)
6025 A Cathrina Jonsdotter is born Jan 4, 1758 to Jon Jonsson and Ingaborg Jonsdotter in Habo parish. JONSDOTTER, Catrina (I22174)
6026 A Certification Of Death from the Vital Records Section of the State of Iowa Department of Health list the name of the deceased as Howard H. LaRue, died August 8, 1903 in Corning, cause of death drowning. The death certification is a typewritten transcription of what I assume is the original record, the transcriber must have gotten a few things wrong. LARUE, Henry Howitt (I1292)
6027 A court notice appears in The San Francisco Examiner (San Francisco, CA), July 2, 1878, page 3, summoning Marcus D. Larrowe to appear before the court to answer the complaint filed by his wife Nina C. Larrowe. "The said action is brought to obtain a decree of this Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing....." Family: Marcus Dwight LARROWE / Nina CHURCHMAN (F3707)
6028 A few days before her program at the Nevada Art Gallery two weeks ago, Mary Creamer and her husband celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. She will be teaching traditional painting for the next two weeks and you can call the gallery for information about the classes.
She is described in various articles as either "of California" or "Laguna Beach" artist. 
Family: Charles Prentice CREAMER, Jr. / Edna Pearl KING (F2583)
6029 A local newspaper in Jefferson County reported that Samuel Cole found a stray mare. COLE, Samuel (I833)
6030 A native of Connecticut, who with his family went to Warwick,Orange, NY and later to Luzerne Co., PA, possibly with a stay in NJ. From PA the family moved, in 1793 to the village of Wayne in Steuben Co., NY.He conducted the first religious services in Hammondsport, as he did several other places. Among these was Oramel, Allegany, NYwhere he prospered and lived from ca 1802-1810, when he returned to Steuben Co. Elder Sanford was instrumental in construction the first Wayne meetinghouse, in 1794. It was built without any means of heating in it because it was believed that religious warmth would suffice. Elder Sanford was one of the original company of twelve men who purchased large amounts of land around Lake Keuka, NY from Phelps and Gorham, the developers of the tract. SANFORD, Rev. Rev. Ephraim (I3871)
6031 A news article regarding Franklin's 91st birthday. LARUE, Franklin B. (I522)
6032 A note from the Horrocks file states that birthdate is often given as 30 Jun 1650 and further states these dates are for an earlier John who died in infancy. The Barbour collection of Connecticut Town Births does list a John Betts, son of Thomas and Mary being born on June 30, 1650. Horrock assigns this date to a Thomas (not a John), he also lists an earlier Thomas born in 1644. BETTS, John (I12781)
6033 A note in James' baptismal record indicate he married Mary Gertrude Sullivan in the Church of St. Heronymus (?) Jerome, in Holyoke, Mass. on Sept. 24, 1928. MCGOLDRICK, James Barry (I9937)
6034 A note in the Personals column of the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune of January 29, 1942 states: "Here to attend the funeral of Ray Alloway on Monday afternoon were the Rev. and Mrs. Claude Spicer, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Spicer and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Spicer, all of Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Becker, Hankinson, N. D., Mr and Mrs. G. Burton Spicer, Racine; Mrs. Margaret Alloway, Kansas City, Missouri, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Alloway, Lima, Ohio. SPICER, Reverand Reverand Claude Urban (I18176)
6035 A note in the Personals column of the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune of January 29, 1942 states: "Here to attend the funeral of Ray Alloway on Monday afternoon were the Rev. and Mrs. Claude Spicer, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Spicer and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Spicer, all of Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Becker, Hankinson, N. D., Mr and Mrs. G. Burton Spicer, Racine; Mrs. Margaret Alloway, Kansas City, Missouri, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Alloway, Lima, Ohio. RICH, Florence Pearl (I18175)
6036 A petition for divorce was filed in November of 1926 by Arthur Fay seeking a divorce, the cause is listed as extreme cruelty and was not contested.
In November of 1925 Ella Fay filed for divorce from Clarence Fay the cause is listed as repeated and extreme cruelty and non-support. The divorce was contested.
In the 1918 Flint City Directory Arthur and Marietta are listed as living at 506 Nickels Av.. Clarence and Ella are listed at 510 Nickels Av.
The 1930 census finds, listed as husband and wife, Arthur and Ella Fay along with the children of both marriages. It would seem that Arthur divorced his wife and married the divorced wife of his brother. 
FAY, Arthur Napoleon (I24887)
6037 A story is told of Eulalia Marche Burt, that in England she apparently died, was put in her coffin for interment when signs of life were seen and she was resuscitated and recovered, came to New England and lived to a great age. MARCHE, Ulalia (I1807)
6038 A story is told of Mary who would yell at neighbor children who were teasing George, 'Why do you treat my Georgie so, the only boy I got.' SUHR, Mary (I131)
6039 A year after their marriage John and Sigrid immigrated, settling first in Wisconsin and then to Warsaw Township, Minnesota. NILSDATR LIETE, Sigrid (I12408)
6040 A year after their marriage John and Sigrid immigrated, settling first in Wisconsin and then to Warsaw Township, Minnesota. ESTREM, John Johnson (I12407)
6041 A130 Abbott, Reuben Sanford, b 22 Jul 1853; d 04 Jun 1928 StJo; wed 01 Jan 1877 Isabell Gordon, 12 children; wed Mrs Hannah Long; i Summitt. CH 07 Jun 1928
A130 Abbott, Reuben Sanford, 74, d 04 Jun 1928 StJo hosp. BTR 07 Jun 1928 
ABBOTT, Reuben Sanford (I5561)
6042 Aaron and Johanna (Denslow) Cooke had four children. Family: Major Major Aaron COOKE, II / Johanna DENSLOW (F1589)
6043 Aaron and Mary (Ford) Cooke had nine children. Family: Major Major Aaron COOKE, II / Mary FORD (F1734)
6044 Aaron Gregg is enumerated with John and Rebecca (Rawson) Clark in both the 1900 and 1910 census, his relationship to John in the 1910 census is listed as Uncle, his marital status is widowed. GREGG, Aaron H. (I25324)
6045 Aaron McPherson is enumerated by himself in Paoli, IN, his occupation listed as laborer. MCPHERSON, Aaron (I26369)
6046 Aaron McPherson is enumerated with his second (3rd?) wife, Sarah. MCPHERSON, Aaron (I26369)
6047 Aaron McPherson, 52, farmer, is enumerated with his mother Mary, age 79 and step-daughter Mary Bye, age 11. I have not found a marriage that would match this. MCPHERSON, Aaron (I26369)
6048 Aaron Vorhies, the oldest son of John Vorhies, the pioneer of Wayne Township, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1791, and came to Ohio with his parents about 1805. He served in the War of 1812, and served in the quartermaster's department, and in 1814 married Polly Dailey, a native of Virginia. Their children were John, Phebe and Eli, dead; Stephen, Keziah (Hook), Aaron, Peter, Josiah, Nathan and William, living; Polly deceased. Mrs. Vorhies died in 1840 and in 1841 he married Polly Shafer, who died in 1845. He afterward married Margaret Gordon, who bore four children: Nancy J. (Matheney), Sarah E., Eliza and Martha (Shafer). Aaron Vorhies died in 1861; his widow in 1875. The family were members of the Methodist Episcopal church. "History of Noble County Ohio," 1887 VORHIES, Aaron (I3467)
6049 Abbott, Isabelle Gordon, b 17 Jun 1860 Wood Hill, Ill.; d 05 Sep 1912 Clarinda; wed 01 Jan 1877 Reuben Abbott, 12 children. CH 12 Sep 1912
Abbott, Isabelle Gordon, d 05 Sep 1912 Clar; wed 01 Jan 1877 Reuben Abbott, 12 children. SP 17 Sep 1912, SP 13 Sep 1912 
GORDON, Isabel (I5562)
6050 Abigail married first a Mr. Hunter. Family: Charles KILBORN / Abigail MARVIN (F5866)

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