
Matches 7,451 to 7,500 of 8,913

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7451 KWP LAMB, Catherine (I11889)
7452 KWP BUELOW, Deloris Diana (I12220)
7453 KWP COPA, William V. (I16311)
7454 KWP COPA, John Michael (I16312)
7455 KWP BRASS, Henry Herman (I16667)
7456 KWP BRASS, Mary Ann (I16669)
7457 KWP BRASS, Gerhart H. (I16705)
7458 KWP SCHMIDT, Marie (I16706)
7459 KWP KOED, Alma Dagmar (I19722)
7460 KWP KOED, Dorothy (I19723)
7461 KWP SUNDBERG, Neva Jean (I19808)
7462 KWP HAMERNICK, Josephine Mary (I20371)
7463 KWP UNKNOWN, Louisa (I20565)
7464 KWP FARVER, John (I20628)
7465 KWP ARNOLD, Rachel (I20632)
7466 KWP FARVER, George (I20636)
7467 KWP FARVER, Benjamin (I20641)
7468 KWP FARVER, Ella (I20741)
7469 KWP MICHAUD, Josephte Perpetue (I21472)
7470 KWP MANS, Frank Henry (I21992)
7471 KWP MANS, Regina (I21993)
7472 KWP MANS, Susie A. (I21994)
7473 KWP MICHAUD, Germain (I25971)
7474 KWP ST. LAURENT, Alexis (I27015)
7475 KWP ST. LAURENT, Octave (I27018)
7476 Lands were "Merryman's Lot," Hailes Addition," and "Hailes Fellowship." HAILE, Nicholas (I1039)
7477 Larrowe's obituary incorrectly identifies him as a musician. LARROWE, Marcus Dwight (I16391)
7478 Last Will & Testament of Charles Merryman

of Baltimore Co., dated 16 Jan 1724 Probated 14 Jan 1725


In the Name of God Amen. The sixteenth day of January one Thousand seven Hundred and Twenty four. I Charles Marryman of Baltimore County & Province of Maryland planter being of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God for & calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for man once to die, Do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say first and principally I give my soul into the hands of God who gave it to me and for my body I command it to the Earth to be buried in Christian and decent manner nothing doubting but altho general I ? I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching my worldly Estate is herewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give, devise and I signeth and dispose the same in manner and form following.

Item: I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my true and beloved wife Mary Marryman to be my whole and sole Executrix to see all my lawful and just debts be paid.

Item: I give and I bequeath my dwelling plantation with the land and woods thereunto belonging jointly and equally between my wife Mary Marryman and my daughter Elizabeth Cox jointly and equally to be enjoyed by the said parties during the natural life of my said wife and at her decease ?/ to my daughter Elizabeth Cox and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten for ever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my said Executrix all and singular my personal Estate remaining after my just debts are paid and do hereby Impower her my said Executrix ? to will I bequeath, devise and dispose the same as she shall think fit peaceably and give authority to enjoy or dispose of the same without any manner of lott hindrance or molestation from any person or persons whatsoever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my grandson Marryman Cox one hundred acres of land beginning at the Tanners Run and running up the said run with my outward line till it comes to one Hundred acres.

Item I give and bequeath unto my Eldest son John Marryman one piece of money to the value of one shilling Sterling.

Item I give and bequeath to my youngest son Samuel Marryman one piece of money to the value of one shilling sterling.

And I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and annull all and every other former Testament, Wills, ? , Requests and Executors by me in any wise before this time namely Wills I bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and none other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness thereof I have hereby set my hand and seal this day and year above mentioned. Signed


Charles (CM) Marryman (his Seal)


Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared by the said Charles Marryman as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us:
Edward Cook,
Johns (J his mark) Robinson,
James Powell,
Mordicai (M his mark) Price,
John ( X his mark) Welch,
Hannah (H her mark) Cox.

At the foot of the foregoing will was thus written Viz: Maryland for Baltimore County Jan 14th 1725 came Edward Cook & James Powell Johns Robinson & Hanna Cox subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing Will and made oath on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that they saw the Testator Charles Marryman sign and seal and heard him publish and Declare this as his Last Will and Testament at that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their knowledge and apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory and that the subscribed the said will in presence of the said Testator sworn to before me Tho. Sherirdine D. Com. Baltimore County.

Transcribed & Contributed to the MdGenWeb Project by: Selena DuLac Extracted from: SLC Family History Microfilm 0012847 Probate Records of MD Vol 17-18 1721-1726




Last Will & Testament of CHARLES MERRYMAN SR
of Baltimore County, dated 16 January 1724, proved 4 January 1725


In the name of God Amen, 16 January 1724; Charles Merryman of Baltimore Couty, Province of Maryland, Planter; being of perfect mind and memory, thanks given unto God therefore, calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men Dye, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following: That is to say first and principally I give my soul unto the Hands of God who gave it to me. And for my body I commend it to the earth to be buried in Christian and decent manner, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall know etc... of the mighty power of God and as ... my worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise, bequeath and dispose the same in manner and form following:

Item: I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my true and well beloved wife Mary Merryman to be my whole and sole executrix to see all my lawful and just debts paid.

Item: I give and bequeath my dwelling plantation with the lands and woods thereunto belonging, jointly and equally between my wife Mary Merriman and my daughter Elizabeth Carr (?), jointly and equally to be enjoyed by these parties during the natural life of my said wife and at her decease to return to my daughter Elizabeth Cox(?) and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten, forever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my said executrix all my ... personal estate remaining after my just debts are paid and do hereby empower my said executrix to will, bequeath, devise and dispose the same as she shall think fit, reasonably and quietly(?) to enjoy or dispose the same without any manner of lett, hindrance or molestation from any person or persons whatsoever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my grandson Merriman Cox(?) one hundred acres of land beginning at the Tanners(?) Run and running up the Sail(?) Run with my outward line till it comes to one hundred acres.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my eldest son John Merriman one piece (purse?) of money to the value of one shilling sterling.

Item: I give and bequeath to my youngest son Samuel Merriman one piece (or purse?) of money to the value of one shilling sterling.

And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and annul all and every other former testament, will, legacies, bequests and executors by me in any way before this time named, willed, etc., confirming this and none other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.


Charles X Merryman


Signed ,etc, in the presence of:
Edward Cooke
Jonas S. Robinson (mark)
James Powell
Mordicai Price (mark)
John Welch (mark)
Hannah Cox (mark)

Maryland, Balt. County Jan.4, 1725 came these (people to attest to the validity of this will)


Contributed to the USGenWeb/MDGenWeb Project by: Stephen Ford


Notes: Charles Merryman was probably born in Lancaster Co VA by 1660, the son of John and Audrey Merriman. He married 1st, Mary Haile, the daughter of Nicholas and Mary Haile & the widow of Henry King. Mary is the mother of his three sons, the eldest two sons were apparently born in Lancaster Co. VA. Charles Merryman married second, by 1693, Mary, the adminstrix of the estate of Andrew Matson. It appears his daughter Elizabeth who married Jacob Cox was by his second wife, based on the above will and her apparent age. 
MERRYMAN, Charles (I3808)
7479 Last Will & Testament of Thomas Parsons
Of Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Dated October 10, 1683, Proved May 31, 1684

Recorded in Maryland Wills, Liber 4, Folio 28

I Thomas Parsons of Anne Arundel County in ye Province of Maryland, being sick of body but of perfect disposition [and] memory, thanks be to God, do make, constitute, ordain & appoint this to be my Last Will & Testament, revoking, annulling, & utterly making void all other will or wills & this wholly to be taken, affirmed, and held for my Last Will & Testament, as aforesaid, in manner & form following -

Imprimis. I give & bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Parsons one shilling. -

I give & bequeath unto my daughter Isabell Parsons fifty acres of Land which is joining upon Anthony Holland's & Benjamin Capill's lines for her to have & hold at her day of marriage for to be hers and her heirs forever, & if ye said Isabell Parsons should die without any issue of her body, then this land is to fall to ye two youngest. -

I give & bequeath unto my daughters Mary Parsons & Susanna Parsons my plantation which I live upon & all things belonging thereunto. I give it unto them to be equally divided betwixt them after their mother's decease to be theirs & their heirs forever. And if these two should die without any heirs of their bodies, then this plantation is to fall to ye two youngest to be theirs and their heirs forever.--

I give to my daughters Sarah & Hannah Parsons betwixt them, I give a two year old heifer named Mealy. I give it betwixt them for it & its increase to be equally divided betwixt them & to be theirs and their heirs forever. And likewise I give unto these my two daughters to each of them the first two colts that my mare brings, let them be horse colts or mare colts, to be theirs and their heirs forever.

And further I do hereby constitute & ordain & appoint my loving friends Anthony Holland & Benjamin Capill to be my whole & sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testament & for ye true performance hereof I have here set my hand and seal this tenth day of October in ye year of our Lord 1683.

The mark of
Thomas Parsons
James White
John Mayhew ye mark of
Nicholas Grose ye mark of
Rose Grose

May ye 31st 1684. The within writing was proved before me by ye oath of John Mayer.

Thomas Tailor


Transcribed by Curt L. Sytsma on March 11, 1999, from a photocopy of the original given to me by Dick & Sandy Rollins. Other sources indicate that the original is found in Prerogative Court (Wills), Liber 4, Folio 28. Obvious spelling errors and punctuation have been corrected to enhance readability, but all names are spelled as in the original.

Provided to the USGenWeb/MDGenWeb Project by : Curt L. Sytsma<.A> 
PARSONS, Thomas (I1050)
7480 Last Will & Testament of William Pearce
of Anne Arundel County
dated 12 September 1719, proved 19 October 1719


In the name of God, Amen! I William Pearce of Anne Arundell County being Sick & Weak in Body but of sound mind & Judgement (Blessed be God) do make contstitute & appoint this my last Will & testament thereby revoking all Former Wills by me heretoforemade. In Manner & form following that is to say~~Firstly before all things I recommend my Soul into the hands of Allmighty God believing Remission of Sins & Everlasting Life through the Meritts Death & Passion of Jesus Christ my Lord; and only Saviour. And for the better disposal of my Worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me I dispose thereof as followeth. I do give & bequeath all my Land to be equally divided between my two Sons William & John Pearce and to their Heirs forever, and in Case either of them shall die before the Said Lands be divided and Leave Issue, then the Heirs of the body of the deceased shall have an equal Right in the Said Lands with my Surviving Son. And it is my Will & Mind that my Said Sons be at age to work for themselves as they shall arrive to the Age of Sixteen Years Successfully. And I do make constitute & appoint my Loving Wife Elisabeth Pearce full & whole Executrix of this my Last Will & Testament desiring her to bring up my Children in the Fear of God, and to let them have such Part of my Personall estate as by Law shall belong to them as they shall arrive to the age of twenty one Years Successfully. Lastly I do make & contstitute my two Loving Nephews Thomas & William Tipton Trustees of this my Last Will & Testament, desiring them to See the same duly executed, by me made this twelfth day of September In the Year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven hundred and Nineteen.
Signed Sealed Published
and Declared to be his Last

Wm Pearce (Seal)

Will & Testament by the
Abovementioned Testator.
In the presence of
Henry Hall
John Stevens
Susanna Wanill.

On the back of the aforegoing Will was thus endorst (first) Oct. 19th~~ Then came the Reverend Henry Hall and John Stevens Subscribing Evidences to the within Will & made oath on the holy Evangelists that they Saw the Testator Sign Seal and Deliver the within Instrument of Writing as his Last Will & testament & that he published & Declared the Same so to be. And at the time of his So doing he was of Sound and perfect mind & Memory to the best of their knowledge. Sworn before me. Phil. Hammond D.C.A.


Source: Prerogative Court (Wills) 1718-1719; 15, p.217.
(MSA: Microfilm SR4409; pp.389-390)


The transcript of this will contributed to the MdGenWeb Project by: Bill Pearce, 
PEARCE, William (I939)
7481 Last Will and Testament of CHARLES MERRYMAN JR
of Baltimore County, dated 25 Dec 1720, proved 23 June 1722

In the Name of God, Amen, I Charles Merryman Junior of Baltimore County, planter, being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind, memory and understanding, first and principally recommend my soul into ye hands of ye almighty, my body I commit to ye earth to be decently (----) at the discretion of my Executrix, herein after named.

Imprimus, I give and bequeath unto my two sons William and Charles and their heirs lawfully begotten in wedlock, all my tract of land whereon I now live called by name of Merrimans Beginning, to be equally divided betwixt ye said William and Charles. Also I give and bequeath

my tract of land at Gunpowder called Brotherly Fellowship to be equally divided betwixt my two sons William and Charles and their heirs lawfully begotten in wedlock.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my son William a young sorrel mare branded CM. Also to my son Charles Merryman, ye cattle which I previously gave him. I give unto my son Charles Merryman one black mare branded W and one three year old heiffer and her female incesafe(?).

Item, I give and bequeath unto my son William all my wearing apparel. Item, I give unto my servant man Patrick one cow calf. Item, my will and (----) is that my loving wife Jane Merryman

shall have ye priviledge of either my plantations which she shall think fit to live on during her life and to clear and make use of such timber as shall be useful on ye plantation without any interruption from either my sons William or Charles or their heirs or any that shall possess after them. Furthermore my desire is that my loving wife Jane Merriman shall be my whole and sole

Executrix of all that I have and after all my debts shall be paid all ye remaining part of my estate to be equally divided amongst all my children.

Lastly, I do hereby dismiss, revoke and make void all my former and other wills and testaments by me heretofore made in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and soul this the three pieces of lines being interlined in this my last will this 25th day of December 1720.


Charles Merryman


George Browne
Edward Stevenson
John (mark) Merryman
Mary (mark) Merryman

Maryland, the June 23 1722 There came George Browne, Edward Stevenson, John Merryman & Mary Merryman the subscribing evidence (??) ro the above mentioned will and make oath on the holy Evangels of Almighty God that they saw the testator Charles Merryman sign and seal the above will as his last will and testament and that he published and declared ...that at the time of his so doing he was of sound and perfect mind and memory to the best of their knowledge. Sworn to before me.....County of Baltimore June 22, 1702...


transcribed and contributed to the USGenWeb/MDGenWeb Project by: Stephen Ford 
MERRYMAN, Charles (I7902)
7482 Last Will and Testament of George HAILE of Baltimore County,
Dated 9 March 1788, Proved 2 May 1791


Last Will and Testament of Goerge Haile of Baltimore County, in the state of Maryland, being of sound mind and perfect memory do make this my LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT.

FIRST. I recommend my soul to Almighty God who gave it and my body to be decently interred according to the discretion of my executor. All my worldly estate I shall will and bequeath in manner and form following.

IMPRIMES. I give and bequeath unto my two dearly beloved sons, Henry Haile and Joseph Haile, all that tract or parcel of land called JAMES MEADOW containing ninety acres likewise forty acres being part of that tract or part of land called HAILES FELLOWSHIP begining at the corner at the division line including the houses and running with the main rode till it intersects with the meadow line to be equally divided between them and their lawful heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved daughter, Elizabeth Haile, all that part of Traces Park lying on the western side of the great main rode that leads from Baltimore Town to Towson Tavern, to her and her lawful heirs forever.

Item. I will and bequeath unto my son, Nicholas Haile that part or parcel of land whereon he now dwells being part of Traces Park and running with his railing to the bridge to him and his heirs forever.

Item. I will and bequeath unto my son, Joseph Haile, that parcel of land being part of Traces Park whereon he has now a house and a shop on running from the fourth line with Nicholas Hailes railing strait down to him and his lawful heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my two grandsons, Alexander Haile and Joseph Haile, forty acres being part of Traces Park to be equally divided between them.

Item. I will and bequeath unto my son, Abednego Haile, fifty acres part of that tract of land called Hailes Fellowship lying on the western side of the forty acres already bequeathed to by two sons, Joseph Haile and Henry Haile, to him and his lawful heirs forever.

Item. I will and bequeath unto my son, Meshack Haile, all the remaining part of that tract of land called Traces Park after my two grandsons, Alexander Haile and Joseph Haile have laid off their forty acres, to him and his lawful heirs forever.

Item. I will and bequeath unto my dearly beloved children, Henry Haile, Joseph Haile and Elizabeth Haile, all my personal estate to be equally divided between them.

Item. I bequeath unto my son George Haile, on shilling sterling and no more. I will unto my son, John Haile, one shilling sterling and no more. I will unto my daughter Frances Cheneth, one shilling sterling, and no more.

Item. I will and bequeath unto my daughter, Sarah Chase, one shilling sterling and no more.

LASTLY, I nominate and constitute and appoint my son, Joseph Haile, to be the whole and sole executor of this my Last Will and Testament and I hereby revoke and disavow and disannul all other bequests, wills and legacies by me heretofore made ratifying and confirming this to be my Last Will and Testament.

IN WITNESS WHEREFOR I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th day of March in the year of our lord 1788.

/s/ George Haile (Seal)

Signed, sealed published and declared to be the Last Will and Testament of George Haile in proof of those who have hereto subscribed their names this 9th day of March 1789.
Joshua Stevenson
Disco Anderson
Josias Stevenson

Will probated May 2, 1791
Willis Buchanan
Register of Wills, Baltimore County, State of Maryland,

Reference:Baltimore County (Maryland) Will Book No. 4, 1784-1791. On file, Hall of Records, Annapolis Maryland.


Contributed to the MdGenWeb Project by Jodi Cubbage 
HAILE, George (I7250)

I, Thomas Cole of Gravity, Iowa, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, but knowing that life is uncertain, do hereby make, publish and declare this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills, by me at any time here-to-fore made.
Paragraph One: I first will and direct that all my just and lawful debts, including funeral charges and expenses of my last sickness, be paid in full.
Paragraph Two: After payment of above I will, devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, Lydia Cole, a life estate in all my property, both real and personal, with authority to manage, control and collect the rent and profits derived from the same during her natural life, but with no authority to sell the same or any portion thereof. This bequest to my said wife being in lieu of all dower rights given her by law.
Paragraph Three: After the death of my said wife, I will devise and bequeath all my property, both real and personal, that I may own or have an interest in as follows:
(a) Whereas, I have assisted and helped my two sons, T.M. Cole and Bert B. Cole, in sums greater in amount than their portions would be should I give them each an equal share in my estate with the rest of my children, I therefore will and direct that neither said T.M. Cole nor Bert B. Cole have or derive any interest whatever in my said estate; it being my intention that neither one of them shall participate in said estate, and they are not willed anything.
(b) And whereas, I have assisted and helped my daughter Ellen L. Laws, it is also my will, and I so direct that she be barred from participating in my said estate, and she is not willed anything, and she is to have no interest whatever therein.
(c) And whereas, I have helped and assisted my son, John E. Cole, in sums of money and other acts of assistance aggregating about twenty-four hundred dollars, it is my will, and I so direct, that my said son, John E. Cole, be given, devised and bequeathed an undivided one-sixth of my estate, less said twenty-four hundred dollars.
(d) It is my will and I so devise, bequeath and direct, that all the balance of my estate, after making the distributions as directed above, be equally divided between my children, Arvilla Crawford, Mattie M. Robinson, Anna Neff, Allen R. Cole, and Ada Brillhart, share and share alike, it being my intention that my last five named children shall share equally in the balance of my estate after making the distributions as directed above.
Paragraph Four: It is my will and I hereby appoint my son-in-law, Elmer Crawford, executor of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof, I have signed my name, to the above will, at Bedford , Iowa, this 14th day of June 1920.

Signed: Thomas Cole
Witness: O. J. Kirkeleg
?? Meikle 
COLE, Thomas (I431)
7484 Lavius resided in Middlebury, VT. He had several business ventures in Middlebury. None of his business ventures had spectacular success. He had a long and very active association in the Masonic Order. His outstanding success was as an architect and builder of churches. Several still stand (1977) as monuments of his skill in architectural design and craftsmanship. Old First Church (Congregational) on Monument Avenue,Bennington, VT., is the oldest church organization in Vermont,dating from 1672. The present church designed by Lavius Fillmoreand built 1805-06 is considered one of the most beautiful in the state, and because of its historical associations has been named by the State Legislature as Vermont's Colonial Shrine. Another church built by Lavius, of somewhat similar design, and still in use and in good state of preservation, is the Congregational Church of Middlebury, VT. Flanked by a lawn and stately elm trees it presents an attractive sight for both visitors and photographers. FILLMORE, Lavius (I1566)
7485 Leaves a will, in which he leaves bequests to Thomas Cole, eldest son of John and Joanna Cole and to first child of Joanna Garrett. BROAD, John (I1033)
7486 Left England in the late 1630's and settled in Holland. BILLINGSLEY, John (I566)
7487 Lemuel and his elder brother Abijah, Jr., who had come the year before, purchased 720 acres of the finest farming land in the town of Champlain, N.Y., besides their property in Chazy, where they also owned all of the water power rights. Lemuel took up his residence on the Chazy portion of their lands, and was one of the early settlers there. During the War of 1812 he was captain of a company of cavalry. Both he and his brother were Jeffersonian Democrats. JONES, Polly (I5418)
7488 Lemuel North moved from Shoreham, VT to Chazy, NY in 1800. JONES, Polly (I5418)
7489 Lemuel North moved from Shoreham, VT to Chazy, NY in 1800. NORTH, Captain Captain Lemuel (I5417)
7490 Lena married first Howell Family: Joseph JENNINGS / Mrs. Mrs. Lena RANKEN (F3702)
7491 Lenore, aged 5 months, 29 days died from "Cholera Infantum"

"The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal", published an article on Cholera Infantum that says, in part:
"Of all the diseases to which children, and especially infants, are liable, particularly in summer and the first months of autumn, cholera is by far the most fatal. It has been truly said that this disease is indigenous to the United States, as it has not been described in many, if any recent works of foreign authors. extensive and frequent has this disease become among us, as to demand every attention that can be given to it by the profession. It is the scourge of childhood.
Among the causes of cholera infantum, in my humble opinion there is none nore conducive to its devastations than over-feeding. The anxious mother seeing her child laboring under other predisposing causes, and perhaps weak and feeble, imanines the "dear little thing" needs more nourishment, and consequently she is never satisfied unless when loading the already weak stomach of her darling with some nice preparation to "give it strength," not realizing that she is to see her kind and unwearied endeavors, and anxious solicitude, rewarded only by a fearful and often fatal disease! She does not realize that she is killing her child with kindness!.....But disease is hourly making fatal inroads upon the vitality of the child, and the storm is gathering and near at hand that will in its fury destroy the tender flower..." 
MEDOR, Lenore E. (I23254)
7492 Leo Malloy was killed in a wood cutting accident. 'Mr. Malloy with his son Byron, Everett Perkins and William Haywood were cutting wood with a wood sawing machine. They were nearly through their work when the machine came apart, the saw severing his head above the eyes. He died instantly. The others were unharmed.' MALOY, Leo Joseph (I4513)
7493 Leonard J. Hamernick is listed on the Tablets of The Missing at Cambridge American Cemetery as Missing in Action or Buried at Sea. He is also memorialized at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.

Find A Grave e-Memorial

Find A Grave e-Memorial 
HAMERNICK, Leonard John (I16332)
7494 Leonard was a Machinist's Mate 3rd Class in the US Navy Reserves, he was aboard the USS Indianapolis when it was torpedoed and sunk during World War II, ANDERSON, Leonard Ole (I26678)
7495 Letter from Sara to Margaret Maher McGoldrick
Dear Peg,
As I promised some time ago to dig up my ancestors as far back as I can trace them, I will delve
around the roots of the family tree carefully, lest I shake off some windfall that might be rotten fruit.
Whoever the antediluvian pair that first started the ball rolling, I do not know but the O'Ryans came
from Tipperary, Ireland, and as the Mc and 0 s were supposed to be true Irishmen, they descended
from the old Celtic race.
In 1818 my grandfather, William Ryan, having spent or lost two fortunes in Ireland, and being an Irish
rebel believing in self-government, as I do, came to Quebec, P.Q., in a sailing vessel. I suppose he
walked from Quebec to St. Andrews, N.B., which is about five hundred miles. Of course in those days,
it was either oxen or foot it, staying over wherever night would overtake them.
The railroad must have started to be built up the St.Croix and as it was under the Stars and Stripes,
where he wanted to be, he went up the river and bought up land, started a farm. He could not have
stayed there long, when he went back to Ireland and brought his wife and father back with him. He
must have had a restless roving nature, perhaps prospecting for a better lay, for a few years after, he
was returning home from a trip and was told of an old man being sick, and the Indians going to St.
Andrews which would be about twenty-five miles, to get the priest. He hurried home, and a few days
later the Indians took the remains of his father down the path or road and were towed across the river
to St. Andrews which was the only Catholic consecrated ground for miles and miles. That was about
1822. I am sending you a snap of the cemetery. I had hard work to find it. The wooden cross shown
here and there through tall branches, a tumbled down fence overgrown with bushes and brier and old
headstones fallen down. That man would be my Great Grandfather and Will's Great Great Grand
father. My brother Will who died in 1893 was named for Grandfather Ryan and Will, in turn, was
named for both. There are some verses by Grandfather Ryan saying he couldn't stand being poor, so
he left the tyrant nation. I remember him with very white hair, buckles in his shoes, and a tall hat with a
big handkerchief. He used to turn the beaver upside down, mop his brow and put the kerchief in it; and
woe betide the kid who molested it. He had a goodly temper and a dominant spirit, but I can see now that
it was hard for him to come to a new section and blaze the trail.
Grandmother's name was Ryan, and they say they were both educated. I have a book of Latin that
belonged to them. Ted's grandfather and my grandmother were brother and sister. Grandmother died
at middle age. Grandfather lived to be ninety-eight.
Their sons were born on the farm; my father Matthew Ryan was one. He was a hustler and too bright a
man to have to live in that country. He married my mother when they were both nineteen. He bought a
farm (where my brother John lives) but farming was too slow for him so he lumbered for years, first in
Maine, then later on a bigger scale in Nova Scotia during the winter, being home in the summer. He
always hired help for the farm.
Mother's name was Malloy. She was born in Canada and had one brother. Her mother's name was
MacAleer of Scotch and Irish parentage. They were farmers, as there was little else to do in those days.
Mother said her people came from Wexford County, Ireland, as I remember, but whether they were
married in Ireland or Canada, I do not know. Grandmother Malloy was not young when she married
and had just the two children, Mother and Uncle Mike. I remember Mother crying - so lonesome after
her mother. They lived near each other in Baileyville, Maine. Grandmother Malloy died in 1862 and
Mother in 1898.
How strange is this life. It is hardly worthwhile for one to weep after the other.
And so my dear Peg, I have shaken the limbs of the family tree. There may have been some hot
tempers and restless natures, but no real bad fruit or I would know it. I think had there been more
business in that country to feed their ambition on, they would have been more contented. I love to
wander back to the old scenes. I think it was Whittier who said -
"The hills dearest to our childish feet
have climbed the earliest,
The streams most sweet are ever those from
Which our young lips first drank." 
RYAN, Sarah Jane (I198)
7496 Lettie is enumerated with her son John in the 1910 census, she is listed as 72 years old, widowed, b. VA, parents b. NC/VA. ROSS, Letitia L. (I17889)
7497 Lettie is enumerated with her son John in the 1920 census, she is listed as 82 years old, widowed, b. VA, parents b. VA/VA. ROSS, Letitia L. (I17889)
7498 Lettie is enumerated with her son John in the 1930 census, she is listed as 92 years old, widowed, b. VA, parents b. NC/VA. ROSS, Letitia L. (I17889)
7499 Levi Hazen removed to South Hero, Grand Isle Co., Vt., soon after his marriage, and in the Census of 1790 was credited with three females in his family. On 17 Sept. 1798, he sold land in South Hero (probably the part which is now Grand Isle) to Daniel Sampson. He settled in Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., in 1800. On 24 Jan 1805, 'Levi and Brunetta Hazen of Chazy' sold land there, part of a tract granted by the New York Legislature to Nova Scotia and Canada refugees. He was a soldier at the Battle of Plattsburg, 1814, and was considered a great wrestler.
On 16 Feb. 1814, Adam Fillmore and Anna his wife of Lee, Oneida Co., N. Y., sold to Levi Hazen and Septa Hazen of Chazy for $600, land in Lee being Lot No. 20 in Scriba's Patent in the 4000-acre tract granted to John Hall and others. On 5 Jan. 1816, Levi Hazen and Alva Hazen of Lee sold land there. [Oneida Deeds.] It is said he also lived in Canada for a time. 
HAZEN, Levi (I1592)
7500 Levi is not listed as a child in the Pearson Genealogy PEARSON, Levi (I6338)

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