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6101 Ads begin appearing in Canada. For the most part ads in far flung places are for learning the system "by post." The Professor is still doing some lecturing including a stint in St. Paul, Minnesota where he gave both private and public lectures. LARROWE, Marcus Dwight (I16391)
6102 After Alexis's death Florence moved to Chicopee, MA. and is enumerated there in the 1900 census. LAVOIE, Florence (I27054)
6103 After her stint working at the US Mint, Nina appears to have resumed her acting career. In later years she takes up instructing dance.

Attached are some articles, including one, from 1907, in which "Mrs. Nina Larowe, dressed in the costume of a squaw, striking Sacajawean poses in front of the country store." I am reminded of Eulalie Mackecknie Shinn of Music Man fame.

Even more disturbing than a white woman dressed as a squaw and striking Sacajawean poses are the upcoming events at the exhibition. "A pickaninny show is the attraction this afternoon. The visiting crowds are experiencing the joy of passing on the most beautiful negro baby in town." And "next week Chinese babies....the first Chinese baby show ever attempted" 
CHURCHMAN, Nina (I16394)
6104 After his marriage Francis became very active in QuakerMeetings. His name appears frequently in meeting records ofCliffs, Joppa, Deer Creek, Patuxent, Herring Creeks, and WestRiver Meetings. At the death of his father he appears to havetaken possession of the greater portion of the lands. There wasan estrangement between Francis and his brother John from thisdate which does not appear to have been settled. In 1684 heappears in possission of 'Selby Clifts,' 200 acres, 'DeerQuarter,' 250 acres and 'Corne Hill,' 350 acres.The will of Francis states that wife Susanna and daughterRebecca Birckhead are executors. Residue of estate, real andpersonal, to revert to daughter Sarah and heirs at death ofwife. In event daughter Sarah die without heirs, sd wife to haveentire estate if she be living and at her death sd estate to bedivided among cousins aforesaid, Thomas Billinglsy, SarahRoberts, and Mary Pollard and the 'Eldest son of brotherEdward.'In 1697 'Selby Clifts,' 200 acres was owned by SusannaBillingsley, she sold in 16 Apr 1717 to John Beckett. 'DeerQuarter' was transferred to daughter Rebecca Birckhead at thetime of her marriage, she sold this land to Eleazer Birckhead 15May 1729. 'Corne Hill,' 350 acres was owned by Susanna from 1697to about 1710 when she turned it over to daughter Rebecca andher husband who sold in 12 Oct 1719 to John Mackall.It is supposed that above daughter Sarah died young as the landdue her by her fathers will was shown in the hands of hermother.At a Meeting 8 10 mo. 1699 Robert Gover and Susanna Billingsleylaid their intention of marriage first time; Richard Harrisonand George Royston to make inquirey into their clearness fromformer marriage engagements and what she hath done for herchildren, etc. At a Meeting 2 12 mo. 1699 they laid theirintention before the Meeting for second time ---- (rest of pageis missing).This marriage took place as later deeds and Rent Rolls show heras Susanna Billingsley als Gover , etc. She was living in 1717Calvert Co., MD. BILLINGSLEY, Francis (I622)
6105 After the arrival of William with his new bride, in 1919, the couple appears in the local paper on a regular basis.
For example: Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott entertained guests....; Mrs. Scott entertained ladies and served waffles; Dr. and Mrs. Scott return from Washington, etc. etc.
Beginning in 1922 the couple is never mentioned again, as a couple. In March of 1922 Leona runs advertisements for lodgers at her home on Silver Avenue.
In July of 1922 Leona takes over management of the American Cafe at 106 Silver Avenue, waffles being a specialty. Ads for the restaurant list Mrs. L. L. Scott as the proprietor. This is a clue as to the state of her marriage to William as a woman is generally not called or referred to by her "Christian" name unless unmarried or a widow.
In September of 1922 it is reported that the Cafe reopened under new management and Leona is never mentioned in the papers again. 
SCOTT, William A. (I23790)
6106 After the arrival of William with his new bride, in 1919, the couple appears in the local paper on a regular basis.
For example: Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott entertained guests....; Mrs. Scott entertained ladies and served waffles; Dr. and Mrs. Scott return from Washington, etc. etc.
Beginning in 1922 the couple is never mentioned again, as a couple. In March of 1922 Leona runs advertisements for lodgers at her home on Silver Avenue.
In July of 1922 Leona takes over management of the American Cafe at 106 Silver Avenue, waffles being a specialty. Ads for the restaurant list Mrs. L. L. Scott as the proprietor. This is a clue as to the state of her marriage to William as a woman is generally not called or referred to by her "Christian" name unless unmarried or a widow.
In September of 1922 it is reported that the Cafe reopened under new management and Leona is never mentioned in the papers again. 
WELDON, Leona Leota (I22028)
6107 After the death of Agness, Johan Taylor married three more times. Those names and dates can be found on his Find A Grave memorial page. Family: Jonah THAYER / Agness KENNAN (F6266)
6108 After the death of her parents Margaret lived with her aunt's Margaret and Clara. PRENTISS, Margaret (I26463)
6109 After the death of his wife Achsah, William lived with his daughter Viola, near Smithfield, Jefferson, OH. COLE, William (I529)
6110 After the death of Josephine in 1869 George felt he was unable to card for his two daughters. Susie and Eliza were adopted out to local families. Susie to Samuel and Francis (Clark) Bacon and Eliza to Alanson and Celina (Bacon) Nash. Samuel and Celina were brother and sister. George attempted to place little George with a family but he continued to run away from those homes to return to his father and brothers.

Samuel and Frances (Clark) Bacon 
BROCKMAN, Susie Anna (I10988)
6111 After the death of Josephine in 1869 George felt he was unable to card for his two daughters. Susie and Eliza were adopted out to local families. Susie to Samuel and Francis (Clark) Bacon and Eliza to Alanson and Celina (Bacon) Nash. Samuel and Celina were brother and sister. George attempted to place little George with a family but he continued to run away from those homes to return to his father and brothers.

Alanson and Celina (Bacon) Nash 
BROCKMAN, Eliza Jane (I19614)
6112 After the death of their parents Caroline and Isabelle went to live with their Uncle John B. Sherwood in Mount Pleasant, Wayne, PA. HAWKINS, Caroline (I26435)
6113 After WWI, William was selected by the Missouri Historical society to be written up in the year book for that year along with his picture and the picture of his six sons, all volunteers who fought in WWI and all returned. His was the only six star Service flag in the St. Louis area. WIGHTMAN, William Edward (I3045)
6114 Aged Woman Passed Away At Brockway
Mrs. George Wiesner, A Resident of This Section For Many Years, Died Yesterday. Remains To Be Brought Here For Interment
Mrs. George Weisner, age 91, and a resident of this section for many years, died at the home of her son, John Wiesner of Brockway yesterday at noon. Death was caused by infirmities incident to her advanced years.
The body will be brought to St. Marys tomorrow morning to the home of her son Joe Wiesner of Chestnut street and remain there until Friday morning when the funeral mass will be celebrated from St. Marys church at ten o'clock. The services will be attended by members of the Altar and Rosary societies. Burial will be made in the family burial plot in St. Marys cemetery.
Mrs. Wiesner, born Margaret Krellner, was born in Bavaria, Germany, November 1 1839 and came to St. Marys as a bride in May 1861, she and Mr. Wisner having been married in their native country. They settled in the Flower Valley section soon after coming here and Mrs. Wiesner remained there until about five years ago when she moved to Brockway with her son. A little over a year ago one of her grandsons was drowned in Toby Creek at Brockway.
Eleven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Wiesner. One died in infancy and a son, Michael died about seven years ago. Mr. Wiesner died about 25 year ago.
Four sons and five daughters survive. They are: George, Joe, and Louis of St Marys; John of Brockway; Mrs. John Wolf of Flower Valley; Mrs. Alois Benninger, Mrs. Joseph Haberberger and Mrs. Margaret Burden of St Marys and Mrs J. J. Erich of Kane.
Sixty-eight grandchildren, 82 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild survive.
One of the surviving grandchildren is Rev. Father Gregor Wiesner, O.S.B. now stationed at Washington D.C. who will very likely celebrate the requiem mass Friday and another xxx Sister M. Exxxxx(illegible). 
KRELLNER, Anna Margaret (I10714)
6115 Albert Kennon was enumerated in New York in 1870 and Iowa in 1880. This 1875 map of Adams County shows him owing land in Nodaway Township about 12 miles southwest of Corning. KENNON, Albert Gallatin (I502)
6116 Albertus is enumerated in the 1855 New York State census living with his son Albertus, Jr. LARROWE, Albertus (I1344)
6117 Alexa's obituary says she was the only child of Homer and Joyce (McGee) Gray which is wrong. EDDE, Alexa Lee (I27214)
6118 Alexander and Charlotte were never married. Her parents forbade her to marry him after she became pregnant with their child. Presumably because he was Catholic. Family: Alexander Rudolph DROST / Charlotte May COLEMAN (F4975)
6119 Alexander did not marry. PHILLIPS, Alexander Samuel (I1106)
6120 Alice died after givinb birth 8 days prior. ANDERSON, Alice Elizabeth (I26078)
6121 Alice died at the age of 101 years. At the time of her death she lived alone in a house near her son and his wife. Her bedroom caught fire from an electric blanket one morning and she went back into the bedroom to get her purse and the door closed, she died of smoke inhalation. SCOTT, Alice Elnora (I5808)
6122 Alice died the first winter in Plymouth but after her husband as she is named in his will. He died Feb 21 1620/1. UNKNOWN, Alice (I17735)
6123 Alice married her step-brother Thomas Coller, son of John and Elizabeth. Thomas and Alice had no known children. Family: Thomas COLLER / Alice ALDEN (F4021)
6124 All of the records I have seen list Odensvi as Erik's birthplace. Odensvi is roughly 150 miles from Lindesberg so it seems an unlikely birthplace. I do not find a birth record for Erik in Odensvi. OLSSON, Erik (I26127)
6125 Allen and Sarah declared their intention to marry 26-9(Nov)-1748 and were married 31-10(Dec)-1748 although their marriage was not reported until 28-11(Jan)-1748 because the Friends appointed to attend the marriage were delayed 1 month on account the "River was impassable." Family: Allen FARQUHAR / Sarah Jane MOORE (F438)
6126 Allen Farquhar emigrated from his ancestral home in Maryland to Pennsylvania, probably in the spring of 1782. He was instrumental in the founding of two Quaker meetings, Westland in Bethlehem Township, Washington County (ca 1782) and Providence in Little Redstone, Washington Township, Fayette Co., PA (ca 1790's).

As told by Franklin Smith Farquhar
He purchased 109 acres of land in Washington County Pa from Thomas Cook, May 4. 1790 which he gave to his son Thomas Farquhar and then he went to Fayette County, Pa and purchased on Aug 10, 1795 from Levi Stephens and wife Elizabeth 341.6 acres, being parts of two tract known as "Leviticus" (361.6 acres) and "Deuteronomy" (413 acres). The land contained in latter was part of the two tracts-one called "Allen's Fancy" and the other "Peace".

The price Allen paid for the 341.6 acres of land is 467 pounds, 18 shillings and 9 pence. The first house Allen built at Little Redstone was made of lags. It was a structure in the form of two houses joined together in front by an open-way, and a story and a half, each side containing two four rooms. A stairway ran up on the outside in the open way to the second story. One side was used specially by the women and one by the men: this was a custom of the Quakers, living apart from each other.

One time as a young man I walked with father to the site of this old house. Its foundation outline was plainly discernable in the field where it stood. A bouncing-bet bloomed by the front door; a yellow-ocherous tinge marked the spot of the rude stone chimney. Yew, the plowing and cropping of years had not yet wiped it all out. The building stood until the 1850's my father said, about which time its huge timbers and rough workmanship had reverted to the elements.


1764, He was charged Priest Tax for excessive drinking and disowned for same in 1769 after long care, He must get back in because he starts new Quaker church in Pennsylvania.
1733, Mentioned as being in Monocosie Hundred List of Taxables in Md
September 18, 1790, Come from Pipe Creek Md To Westland MH Pa
May 04, 1790, Purchased 109 acres of land from Thomas Cook, in Washington County Pa 
FARQUHAR, Allen (I868)
6127 Allen Farquhar had an agreement from Daniel Dulany dated June 19, 1733 for the purchase of 100 acres of land on `Dulany's Lot,' provided he would settle there. He did, but he died in 1738, leaving the land to his widow Catherine and sons William and Allen, Jr. On September 28, 1739 Dulany passed formal title to son William Farquer, who was to arrange its subsequent ownership with his mother and brother. This land was situated near the northwest corner of `Dulany's Lot,' not quite on the Monocacy River, but very near to the point where Glade Creek, which passed through Farquhar's land, empties into the Monocacy. The north boundary of the land was set at N 84 degrees E 103 perches which was identified as a part of the 22nd line of `Dulany's Lot.' Whether William Farquhar occupied this land after his father's death is not known; it had been supposed that he and his younger brother remained in the Union Bridge area. On November 6, 1736, for example, the elder Allen Farquhar had conveyed the 200 acre `Killfadda' on Little Pipe Creek to his son William Farquer, `lately of Pennsylvania but now of Prince George's County,' in order to encourage his son's move from Pennsylvania to todays Union Bridge area in Carroll County. In 1757 the Farquhars sold their parcel on `Dulany's Lot' to Peter and John Berg (later Berrick; residents on the Manor to the north). The Bergs did not hold the land long and in August 1758 sold it to Stephen Ramsburg, who was fashioning a larger piece of 150 acres by combining the original Farquhar 100 acres with another 50 acres located due west, on the River."

In a letter from Joseph W. Farquhar of Union Bridge, Maryland to Elmira G. Stephens dated 8. 29. 1893 (?) he quotes from J. Switzer's History of Union Bridge, written in 1876: "Allen Farquhar was granted a patent June 10th 1734 for a tract of land containing 174 acres. The same year he purchased from John Fredane (sic) 200 acres. There is no positive proof that he ever resided on this tract, but in 1735, the said Allen Farquhar for and in consideration of his natural affection for his son William, and for the further consideration of his sons filial kindness and obedience in being willing to remove from 'ye' province of Pennsylvania to 'ye' province of Maryland conveyed to his son William by deed 200 acres of his land. In compliance with the terms of said deed William Farquhar and his wife Ann removed from Pennsylvania to Maryland and settled on this tract of land. Their conveyances were pack horses, on the backs of which they and their children and all their worldly goods and chattels were packed and carried. The country was then a wilderness and destitute of any roads except such paths as were made by wild beasts and Indians." 
FARQUHAR, Allen (I5186)
6128 ALLEN FARQUHAR, THE IMMIGRANT (1681-1738) was born in Scotland and was harrassed by religious persecutions (although records indicate he was not a Friend) and therefore moved to Ireland. Later, in about 1720 he emigrated to America with his wife, allegedly Susannah Patterson, daughter of Samuel Patterson (source for this is unknown) and his two sons, William born in Ireland July 29, 1705 and Allen, born in Ireland about 1719. There is a record of his estate at Manackus Miller, Prince George County, Maryland. To his wife (her name is Cathern in the will) he left one-third of his estate and the remaining two-thirds to his two sons. His son William was executor. FARQUHAR, Allen (I5186)
6129 Aloysius served as a Private in the 1st Division, Co. L, 18th Infantry during World War 1. OBERHAUSER, Aloysious John (I9458)
6130 Alphonse Loisette applies for a passport for himself, his wife and manservant. He gives his occupation as "memory educator."
He is described as 62 years old, 5'9' in stature, with a high forehead, blue, brown eyes, straight nose, average mouth, round chin, grey and thin hair, florid complexion and full face. 
LARROWE, Marcus Dwight (I16391)
6131 Alternate birth date FOOTE, Nathaniel (I2486)
6132 alternate birth date ROWE, Thomas (I6965)
6133 alternate birth date ROWE, Mary (I6966)
6134 Alternate birth date and place.
The 1790 census shows an Aaron Mason in both Swansea, Bristol, MA (1 m over 16, 1 m under 16, 1 female) and in Woburn, Middlesex, MA (1m over 16 and 1 f over 16). I'm not sure if this is "my" Aaron Mason but it does show the name in both counties so I can not be sure which birth date and place is correct as there are Mason's in both places. 
MASON, Aaron Sr (I4813)
6135 Alternate birth date. COOPER, Mary (I2474)
6136 Alternate birth date. FOOTE, Nathaniel (I2486)
6137 Alternate birth date. FOOTE, Elizabeth (I6088)
6138 Alternate birth year COLE, Abraham (I881)
6139 Alternate birth year and place. PARR, Stephen (I3469)
6140 Alternate birth year. BOGUE, Rachel (I3391)
6141 alternate death date FILLMORE, Sabrina (I1411)
6142 alternate death date COLTON, George (I1563)
6143 alternate death date LEONARD, Mary (I2085)
6144 alternate death date BLISS, John (I2406)
6145 alternate death date WRIGHT, Lydia (I2411)
6146 alternate death date BURT, Patience (I2414)
6147 alternate death date SHAW, Mary (I2613)
6148 alternate death date UNKNOWN, Elizabeth (I3462)
6149 alternate death date COLTON, Mary (I4847)
6150 alternate death date COLTON, Benjamin (I5954)

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