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6301 Benoni Shaw filed a quit claim for land received from his father, "one half of that four acres of meadow which was granted by the Towne of Plymouth unto Jonathan Shaw lying upon ye Brook called ye great Cove Brook; and also one half of ten acres of upland which was granted unto him by said town. SHAW, Jonathon (I1688)
6302 Bequeathed to her dearly beloved son Edward, all of her estate at the Clifts, Calvert Co., which, although not a full equivalent of her estate, was as much s she could give considering what she had already given him. All of her effects in negroes, stock, household goods and movables, she bequeathed to her four other children, William Talbott, Elenor Young, Susannah Magruder and Cassandra Nichols, equally, during their lives; and afterwards to the daughters of each of them equally. Her son William was the executor. BIRCKHEAD, Elizabeth (I1008)
6303 Bequeathed to his only child, Sarah, at 16 years of age, the land on the north side of the Severn river, bequeathed to him by his father, Thomas Mears; 330 acres of Mears, Calver co., adjoining his brother-in-law John Homewood's Expectation, Calvert co., 300 acres in Transquakin, Eastern Shore; with reversion to his sister Sarah, wife of John Homewood. There were bequests to the child of his sister-in-law Eliza, wife of William Coale of West river; to his brother-in-law, Samuel Thomas, etc. The executors were Samuel Chew, Philip and Samuel Thomas, his brother-in-law, and Richard Johns. MEARS, John (I660)
6304 Bequeathed to his son Robert 200 acres of New Tavern, on the Liberty main road. To his son, John, a part of New Tavern and one half of his plantation, Eagles Nest, south of the Liberty road and east of the main falls of the Patapsco river; to his sons Joseph and Samuel, parts of New Tavern and Eagle's Nest; to his daughters mary Gosnell, Elizabeth Simmons, Sarah Boring, Rachel Cook, and the heirs of his decessed daughter Ann Burnside, equal prts of his personal estate; to his granddaughters Elizabeth Ward (dau of William) and Sarah Gosnell, parts of his personal estate; his son Samuel was appointed executor. In a codicil, 11/14/1826 he bequeathed to the four eldest children of his son Joseph, who had since died, his share of the estate. WARD, John (I916)
6305 Bequeathed to his wido, his dwelling, on the north side of the Liberty road, and one half of his personal property; an amounts of $200. each to the five children of his brother John, the tree children of his sister Rachel Cook, his sisterSarah Boring and her daughter, the two daughters of his brother Joseph and daughter of his sister Elizabeth Simmons; two children of his sister Ann Burnside and (if sufficient remained) two grandchildren of his sister Mary Gosnell. WARD, Robert (I7468)
6306 Bequests to sons, Samuel and Mordecay Tipton. To daughter Sarah Tipton. Witness: Thomas Tipton and John Price. TIPTON, William (I887)
6307 Bequests to sons, Samuel, Richard Got, Gerrard Tipton, daughters, Sarah Merrideth and Susannah Tipton, grandaughters Elizabeth and Sarah Cox. TIPTON, Samuel (I889)
6308 Bequests: to wife, Diana, 100 acres "Coles Change;" to son, Charles; to son Joseph, 208 acres "Coles Chance," on which he now lives and to son, Matthew. Executor: wife Diana. Witnesses: Dennis Garret Cole, Mathew Hale and William Cole. COLE, John (I918)
6309 Bernard and Marie arrived at the Port of New York on August 2, 1847 having set sail from Le Havre, France. The passenger list includes: Bernard, 52 and Marie, 49 and their 11 children: Mary, 24; Barbara, 23; Catherine, 21; Michael, 19; Peter, 17; John, 14; Elizabeth, 11; Magdelaine, 9; Marie, 6; William, 3; Madelaine, 1. BODEVIN, Maria (I10573)
6310 Bernard and Marie arrived at the Port of New York on August 2, 1847 having set sail from Le Havre, France. The passenger list includes: Bernard, 52 and Marie, 49 and their 11 children: Mary, 24; Barbara, 23; Catherine, 21; Michael, 19; Peter, 17; John, 14; Elizabeth, 11; Magdelaine, 9; Marie, 6; William, 3; Madelaine, 1. WEIDERT, Bernard (I10572)
6311 Bernard arrived in America aboard the ship "Ernestine." He traveled with his mother to Cincinnati, Ohio. RIPPERDA, Bernard (I17536)
6312 Bertha and her sister Anna, neither of whom married, died a day apart on May 9th and May 10th, 1967 respectively. Sixteen years later their sisters Mary and Emma, each of whom did marry, died 4 days apart, July 18 and July 22, 1983 respectively. GEIGER, Bertha C. (I11010)
6313 Bessie died from septic peritonitis following a self inflicted attempted abortion. When Frank registered for the WWI draft earlier in 1919 he stated he had a wife and three children under the age of 12. HASTINGS, Bessie (I26951)
6314 Between the time of the birth of Aloysious in 1889 and about 1902 the Weimer Oberhauser family resided in Chickasaw County, Iowa. This photo shows an 80 acre plot just north and west of North Washington, Iowa. Notice the adjoining farm southwest of Weimer, it is owned by Matthias Roethler, likely the father of Max Roethler, future husband of Frances. OBERHAUSER, Weimer (I1094)
6315 Bible records published in the Orange County Genealogical Society Quarterly, March 1972. Source (S207)
6316 Bill Weidert (San Jose, CA) wrote listing the 12 children of Bernard Weydert and Maria Bodevin Weydert. He corrected birth dates on 4 of the children, including Madelaine Weydert, b. May 5, 1846, not May 5, 1848. This places her birth in Tuntange, Luxembourg, because the family left Luxembourg in 1847, traveling to the French port of Le Harve, where they boarded the S.S. Monterey. They arrived in New York City on August 1,1847. Dennis Brown 1/21/02 WEIDERT, Madelaine (I10566)
6317 Bill Weidert (San Jose, CA) wrote: Michael Weidert was visiting his brother John Peter [Weidert] one night in 1897. On his way home late at night in his buggy something went wrong and he was killed by an Erie passenger train. He is the only member of the Luxembourg family to actually return home for three months in 1885. I found his naturalization papers. That means there were still family members in Luxembourg but I've not been able to source that yet. WEIDERT, Michael (I10562)
6318 Bill Weidert wrote 'John Peter was gored to death by his favorite bull. My Dad said that John Henry Weidert had warned him to stay out of the pen with that bull on a visit back to Rasselas shortly before John Peter Weidert's death. He had a small dog that bit the bull on the nose and hung on to keep the bull away from his master. By that time, it was too late. WEIDERT, John Peter (I10571)
6319 Biographical Sketch from
John Alden appears to have originated from an Alden family residing in Harwich, Essex, England, that was related by marriage to the Mayflower's master Christopher Jones. He was about 21 years old when he was hired to be the cooper, or barrel-maker, for the Mayflower's voyage to America. He was given the option to stay in America, or return to England; he decided to stay.
At Plymouth, he quickly rose up from his common seaman status to a prominent member of the Colony. About 1622 or 1623, he married Priscilla, the orphaned daughter of William and Alice Mullins. They had their first child, Elizabeth, around 1624, and would have nine more children over the next twenty years. John Alden was one of the earliest freemen in the Colony, and was elected an assistant to the governor and Plymouth Court as early as 1631, and was regularly re-elected throughout the 1630s. He also became involved in administering the trading activities of the Colony on the Kennebec River, and in 1634 witnessed a trading dispute escalate into a double-killing, as Moses Talbot of Plymouth Colony was shot at point-blank range by trespasser John Hocking, who was then shot and killed when other Plymouth men returned fire. John Alden was held in custody by the neighboring Massachusetts Bay Colony for a few days while the two colonies debated who had jurisdiction to investigate the murders. Myles Standish eventually came to the Bay Colony to provide Plymouth's answer in the matter.
Alden, and several other families, including the Standish family, founded the town of Duxbury in the 1630s and took up residence there. Alden served as Duxbury's deputy to the Plymouth Court throughout the 1640s, and served on several committees, including the Committee on Kennebec Trade, and sat on several Councils of War. He also served as colony treasurer. In the 1650s, he build the house at left, in Duxbury, which still stands today. By the 1660s, Alden's frequent public service, combined with his large family of wife and ten children, began to cause his estate to languish, so the Plymouth Court provided him a number of land grants and cash grants to better provide for his family. Throughout the 1670s, Alden began distributing his land holdings to his surviving sons. He died in 1687 at the age of 89, one of the last surviving Mayflower passengers. 
ALDEN, John (I17732)
6320 Birth an death dates of these 3 children are unknown. SHERWOOD, Child (I26491)
6321 Birth an death dates of these 3 children are unknown. SHERWOOD, Child (I26492)
6322 Birth an death dates of these 3 children are unknown. SHERWOOD, Child (I26493)
6323 Birth calculated from age at death, 61 years HENDRICK, Gervase (I128)
6324 Birth calculated from age on tombstone; 33y, 6m, 14d. CRAWFORD, Marietta (I26338)
6325 Birth Certificate lists Peg's name as Margueritte Maher. Peg said that the person that recorded the birth preferred the name Margueritte to Margaret. MAHER, Margaret Mary (I108)
6326 Birth date calculated from age at death, 38y, 7m, 26d. WILBURN, Mary Evelyn (I18077)
6327 Birth date calculated from age at death, death certificate shows age at death as 78y,11m,29d; which calculates to 12/14/1842. COLE, Thomas (I431)
6328 Birth date calculated from age at death; 96y, 9m,15d. DENNICK, Sarah M. (I26499)
6329 Birth date calculated from age on tombstone given as age 77y, 2m, 1d. COLE, Joshua (I147)
6330 Birth date calculated from cemetery record, age at death 44y 1m 21d. WHEELER, Silas (I3677)
6331 Birth date calculated from death age, 62Y,6M,25D. BACON, Mary (I16615)
6332 Birth date calculated from death age, 73Y,2D. NASH, Alanson M. (I19637)
6333 Birth date calculated from death certificate which lists age at death as 76y,0m,12d which calculates to 9/22/1847. Death certificate also lists Lydia's place of birth as Quebec, Canada, which we know to be incorrect. KILBORN, Lydia Ledorna (I432)
6334 Birth date calculated from death certificate which gives age as 29y, 7m, 0d. MOE, Laura (I10305)
6335 Birth date calculated from death date and inscription on tombstone. DEVIESE, Mary (I448)
6336 Birth date calculated from gravestone which gives age at death as "aged 11 weeks." KENNON, Huldah (I5482)
6337 Birth date calculated from tombstone which gives age as 74 yrs, 4 mo KENNON, Elizabeth B. (I1322)
6338 Birth date could possibly be October 2, 1881. ANDERSON, Clara Mathilda (I19756)
6339 Birth date deduced from date of the birth of her first child. Some believe her to be the eldest of John Webster's children. WEBSTER, Mary (I3715)
6340 Birth date figured from cemetery headstone which gives age at death as 47 years, 10 months, 14 days. HURST, Ella Cornelia (I17399)
6341 Birth date figured from gravestone which indicates Mariah died "aged 2 years." KENNON, Mariah (I5483)
6342 Birth date listed as 1 or 17 March 1642/3.Death date listed as Mar/May 1642/3. LEONARD, Joseph (I2421)
6343 Birth date of Eunice figured from age at death, listed as 85 years, 4 months, 28 days. FLETCHER, Eunice (I1424)
6344 Birth date of Ezekiel Dutton was figured from headstone at cemetery. DUTTON, Ezekiel T. (I5673)
6345 Birth order of children unknown.

It seems improbably to me that the first born child would be 8 years after the marriage of the parents and the second child 7 years after that. 
Family: Gov. Gov. John WEBSTER / Agnes UNKNOWN (F1514)
6346 Birth recorded as either May 4, 1738 or Jun 3, 1738. TALBOTT, Daniel (I909)
6347 Birth recorded in Quaker reords as 23. 3 mo, 1677. BILLINGSLEY, Rebecca (I1010)
6348 Birth records for both Anatolius and his sister Christina indicate that their mother was unmarried. Family: / Elisabeth SUNDBERG (F4532)
6349 Birth records for the Duck Creek Monthly Meeting give Anna's birth as the 13th 2nd mo 1830, daughter of Bailey and Jane. I presume, since these are Quaker records, this means her birthday was April 13. Other genealogist have recorded Feb 13th which is likely an error. PEARSON, Anna (I3289)
6350 Birth records for the Duck Creek Monthly Meeting give Calvin's birth as the 12th 12th month, 1832, son of Bailey and Jane. I presume, since these are Quaker records, this means his birthday was Feb 12. Other genealogist have recorded December 12 which is likely an error. PEARSON, Levi (I3312)

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