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6601 Death certificate gives birthdate as Nov 24, 1866, followed by a question mark. BALDRIDGE, Clara Melvina (I17450)
6602 Death certificate gives name as Frank J. Turgeon, born 10/24/1888 and mothers maiden name as Potvin. TURGEON, Francois Peter (I17111)
6603 Death certificate gives year of birth as October 31, 1860 which is impossible given she is present on August 4, 1860 for the 1860 census, her age at that time is listed as 9 months. SEARS, Amanda Melvina (I17475)
6604 Death certificate indicates that monther's maiden name is Storlie. THOMPSON, Lawrence Harris (I11381)
6605 Death certificate is listed under the name of Mrs. Maurine Christenson. HANSON, Maren (I9507)
6606 Death certificate lists birth date as 01 May 1844, informant: Mrs. Wm. H. Larkin. It also lists his father as William H. and his mother as unknown. LARKIN, William H (I22933)
6607 Death certificate lists birth year as 1870, date unknown and his age at death as 71. PIECHOWSKI, Vincent (I19431)
6608 Death certificate lists burial in Nodaway Twp., IA. The WPA Graves Registration lists burial there as well as Walnut Grove Cemetery in Corning, IA. After the death of Albert she was memorialized on his stone as a cenotaph.

Find A Grave e-Memorial

Find A Grave e-Memorial Cenotaph 
GARRETT, Elizabeth (I503)
6609 Death certificate lists cause of death as 'whooping cough." ANDERSON, Roy Maynard (I11307)
6610 Death certificate lists cause of death as enteritis. Birthplace as Ireland. Name of parents unknown, birthplace of parents both listed as Ireland. Informant is Henry Ludwig of Fenton, MO. PRENTICE, Margaret (I20763)
6611 Death certificate lists cause of death as heart disease. Informant is Jesse Hewitt. CRAMER, William (I20767)
6612 Death Certificate lists cause of death as heart failure. CHAPIN, Amelia Wells (I523)
6613 Death certificate lists cause of death is listed as chronic enteritis. Name of father and mother unknown. Informant is James Lewald. BROMELSICK, Anna (I24076)
6614 Death certificate lists name of father as George Brockman, b. England and mother as unknown. Age at marriage as 18 and mother of 2 children, 2 of whom are living. Cause of death listed as asthma contributed to by la grippe and acute enteritis.
The death certificate index lists the date as Jan 22, her obituary lists January 28, I suspect the latter is correct and the former is an indexing error. 
BROCKMAN, Susie Anna (I10988)
6615 Death certificate of daughter Nellie Hickey lists her parents as James and Margaret, Margaret's last name looks like ??lsch COLLITON, Nellie (I261)
6616 Death certificate of Matthew's son states birthplace of father as Baileyville, Washington, ME. RYAN, Matthew (I117)
6617 Death certificate of Victor Hanson states his mother's maiden name as Anna Britta. Death certificate of Oscar Hanson,who is identified in Victor's obituary as a brother, gives mother's name as Gustava Sjokvist. Don't know if Aaron Hanson had 2 wives or not. BRITTA, Anna (I19477)
6618 Death certificate of Victor Hanson states his mother's maiden name as Anna Britta. Death certificate of Oscar Hanson,who is identified in Victor's obituary as a brother, gives mother's name as Gustava Sjokvist. Don't know if Aaron Hanson had 2 wives or not. HANSON, Aaron (I19476)
6619 Death certificate states cause of death as "Suicide by shooting." LARUE, Frank Lander (I1293)
6620 Death certificate states cause of death as Chronic Nephritis and cancer of abdominal organs.
Informant on death certificate was Mrs. Clara Kennon, Myra's sister. 
LARUE, Myra (I1291)
6621 Death certificate states that Victor had been at St. Peter for 23 days at the time of his death. The cause of death is listed as Senile psychosis, simple deterioration that was several years between onset and death. HANSON, Victor W. (I18450)
6622 Death certificate states the following: "Deceased was shocking grain and died alone in the field. It was a very hot day." Cause of death, "probably sunstroke." GEIGER, Albert (I11009)
6623 Death date for Olaf is problematic. In 1920 Catherine is listed as a widow, she remarries in 1928. SENSTAD, Olaf T. (I12578)
6624 Death date from Quaker record of 10. 6mo. 1695. BILLINGSLEY, Francis (I622)
6625 Death date is burial date POUGET, Jean Baptiste II (I23045)
6626 Death of a Venerable Lady
Mrs. Elizabeth Foley, mother of the late Bishop Foley, of Chicago, and Rev. John Foley, pastor of St. Martin's Catholic Church, Fayette and Fulton streets, died last night at her residence, No. 43 Mulberry street, aged 90 years. She was born in Ireland, and came to this city in 1820 with her husband, the late Matthew Foley. She leaves three sons and one daughter. The sons are Rev. John Foley, D. J. Foley and Matthew J. Foley,of the firm of D. J. Foley, Bro. & Co. wholesale grocers and commission merchants, No. 50 South street. Mrs. Foley was of quiet and retiring disposition and was noted for her many acts of charity. 
MURPHY, Elizabeth (I25795)
6627 Death of Mr. Foley - Mr. Matthew Foley, 80 years of age, who was so seriously injured on Wednesday last, by having his left hand crushed by being run over by a car on Pratt street, after suffering great agony, died yesterday, about 1 o'clock P.M. FOLEY, Matthew J. (I355)
6628 Death record list father as Simon and last name looks like Kjoldsen. SIMONSEN, Jens (I24496)
6629 Death record shows age at death as 75Y2M22D, which calculates to a birthdate of Dec 2, 1788. GRANQVIST, Christina (I20321)
6630 Death records give death date as 12th, 4th month, 1837 and age as 48y, 6m, 9d.
Birth record states birth is 3rd, 8th month, 1788.
It would appear the death record is recorded using "non-Quaker" dating and birth record uses "Quaker" dating, although this is not what was translated at Using dates given at Ancestry, the age at death would be wrong. 
RATLIFF, Joseph (I7878)
6631 Death records in Grayson Co. record 2 deaths. The first: On May 1, 1888 the death of Victoria Neikirk, died of female trouble, age 26, parents Robt. & Mary Carson, consort; Mr. Neikirk, informant; F. K. Warrick, step father. The second record: On May 10, 1888 V. V. Neikirk, age 28, married. CARSON, Virginia Victoria (I17947)
6632 Death records list that Eric had 3 sons and 3 daughters, 1 son is dead. Cause of death is listed as shortness of breath, asthma. His age is given as 49Y 9M 16D ANDERSSON, Eric (I20324)
6633 Death records show Laura as "Laura Thompson" although researchers show her as "Laura Tompkins." Find A Grave has a memorial for Laura A. Tompkins with 1847 as a birth year. At this time I can't find either marriage records or the death record of Will Tompkins, the son of Laura Tompkins (which might list her maiden name). The data in this record is for Laura, married James Tompkins. Family: James TOMPKINS / Laura A HEMINGWAY (F5607)
6634 DEATH: Died between 26 Apr 1758 (1785 in notes), will, and Nov 1758, probate. PLATT, Joseph (I12785)
6635 Deed's obituary gives the incorrect date of her marriage to Loyd Raff. CRAWFORD, Leureta (I376)
6636 Deed, Jacob Dailey and Maryan, his wife of Guernsey County, Ohio heir and deviser of Peter Dailey deceased sells 42 acres on Ohio River at the lower end of the "long reach", $400.00. WHATSON, Mary Ann (I3463)
6637 Deed, Jacob Dailey and Maryan, his wife of Guernsey County, Ohio heir and deviser of Peter Dailey deceased sells 42 acres on Ohio River at the lower end of the "long reach", $400.00. DAILEY, Jacob James (I699)
6638 Deeded a tract called "Bethel" 100 acres by John and Dinah (Hawkins) Cole. Ref. ISNK, page 328, Baltimore, MD, Court House GORSUCH, Charles (I933)
6639 Deliverance names in her will; Abraham, Samuel and Isaac and daughters, Sarah Martin, Mary widow of Tristan Brown, Rebecca, widow of Thomas Durges, whose former husband was John Lamb, and Abigail Bell, dec. late wife of Robert Bell, formerly of John Filmore. (Savage, Vol. 4)

"By her will, Deliverance Tilton left to her three sons, 5s. apiece. To the three sons of son-in-law Robert Bell, deceased, 5 s. apiece. To her daughter Sarah, 10 pounds. To John and Ebenezer Philmore and Ruth Kennison, children of my daughter, Abigail Bell, deceased, 10 pounds apiece." (Fillmore, "So Soon Forgotten") 
SHAW, Deliverance (I2202)
6640 Demise of Matthias Morgan, a Resident of Dubuque for Over Forty Years
Matthias Morgan, an old and highly respected resident of Dubuque, died yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the family home on Iowa street above Thirteenth. He had been confined to his bed for two weeks past, and had been ailing a year or longer.
Mr. Morgan was born in 1814 in the parish of Kilrush, County Clare, Ireland, and came to America in 1839. He first took up his residence in Binghampton, N.Y., where he learned the stone cutter's trade, and then removed to Susquehanna county, Pa., where he married Miss Patience Maher. The following year he engaged in railroad contracting with his brother Patrick, and followed it more or less until 1872. His residence in Dubuque began in 1852-over 40 years ago-and in that long time he has ever held the respect of the community. In his last moments he was forfeited with the sacraments of the Catholic church.
Besides his wife, Mr. Morgan is survived by seven children, Thos. F. of Fort Benton, Mon., John H., of Missouri Valley, Iowa, Mrs. R. F. Morrissey, of Lincoln, Neb., Mrs. T. C. Murphy, of this city, and Edward, Josephine and Patience at home. A son, James W. Morgan, died at Hawarden, Iowa, last July. 
MORGAN, Mathias (I6453)
6641 Dennis Garrett died from a blow to the head inflicted 31 July 1691 by John Oldton who was tried, convicted, condemed to hang but later given a royal pardon.

"On the 31st of July 1691 at Baltimore, John Oldton with force and arms in and upon the body of Dennis Garret then and there an assault did make and him the said Dennis with one sword of the value of 20 shillings being the proper sword of the said John Ouldton upon the forehead of the said Dennis one blow did give of which said blow the said Dennis immediately from the 30th day of July aforesaid until the 2nd day of September did languish on which 2nd day of Sept. in the year and at the place aforesaid the said Denniss Garret of the said blow did die. " 
GARRETT, Dennis (I613)
6642 Died at 1 mo 22 da CRANE, Elizabeth (I3363)
6643 Died at 1 mo. 2 da BUNCH, Richard (I3340)
6644 Died at 13 mo. of age MCCLELLAND, Mary Melinda (I1289)
6645 Died at 6 yrs of age after a 3 mo. battle with spinal meningitis, died at home. HAMERNICK, Harold (I7696)
6646 Died at age 17. HALL, Ida (I16608)
6647 Died at age 65y, 1m, 4d. DAILEY, Esau (I702)
6648 Died at the residence of her son, Devine. DEVINE, Martha (I728)
6649 Died at the Rosary Hospital in Corning of Parkinsons disease. KENNON, Edith Amelia (I91)
6650 Died before his fathers will was made. MARCHE, Richard (I1808)

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